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If youre involved in any MLM/Network Marketing program the key thing to remember is duplication. The thing to remember is that if its not duplicatable; your downline may not be able to do it. I know its easy to think your skill set can be done by anyone, but the truth is, it may not be. I would guess that the majority of the people youll talk to and bring into your organization will be totally new to this industry and thats fine. We were all new at one time and we need to remember that. Lets go over a few Dos and Donts Dos Do teach that they need to let their friends and family know what theyre doing. There may be some people they dont want to tell until they reach a certain point because of the following Do. Do teach them not to let their friends and family discourage them. This is probably the most important thing to teach a new person. Its been said that more people drop out of MLM or any business because someone talked them out of it. These are the same people who sit at home and watch TV while complaining that theyre broke and refusing to do anything to change it. Always remember and teach your downline to remember that if ANYONE has succeeded at ANYTHING, they can too!!!! All it takes is doing the same things they did to succeed. Do teach them how the compensation plan works. They need to know how to get paid and they need to be able to explain it to others. The simplest plans are if you get X amount of people who get X amount of people, and you all make X amount of sales each month, youll make X amount of money each month. Geometric growth can really add up. Heres an example. You recruit 6 people who recruit 6 people (36) who recruit 6 people (216) who recruit 6 people (1296) who recruit 6 people (7776) who recruit 6 people (46,656) and everyone makes enough sales to generate $5.00 in upline commissions you would earn 233,280 bucks a month. This is just an example of course, since not all of them will recruit 6 people who make $5.00 in upline overrides etc and not all plans will use this formula. You will have to modify this to fit your comp plan. The simple fact that not everyone will find those 6 leaders is why most big money earners tell you to recruit as wide and fast as possible. 6 people doesnt sound like many but the reality is the bigger the entry price is and the more sales theyll need, the harder itll be to find those 6 leaders. But dont stop at $5.00 in upline overrides. Teach them that customers come and go and to keep making sales. Do provide support for them and teach them to provide support for their downline. It saddens me to receive an e-mail from an agent in someone elses downline who cant reach their sponsor. I help when I can and refer them to forums, websites etc when I cant. Do remember that this industry is the greatest chance for an average person to reach whatever level of success they want to achieve. There is no job or normal business that provides the financial and time freedom possibilities that MLM does. Do teach them to buy a domain and either frame it or forward it to their company page. If their URL has a ? or id code, the chances of someone typing the incorrect code is pretty good and gets better the longer that code is. Besides, you can get a domain for about $10.00 or less a year and the frame or forwarding service is usually included. The company I promote offers domains with URL forwarding and e-mail forwarding for $9.75 a year and tech support is great. Do teach them to buy business cards and pass them out when it fits and keep a supply on hand at all times. If your company doesnt offer business cards, they can be ordered through a local store or vistaprint.com. Do teach them to create a profile page (also known as face page) on a site such as www.PowerfulIntentions.com and ideally use a domain with their name in it to point to it. I was lucky and my name was available but even if yours/theirs isnt, there are still options if youre creative. This is still a relationship business and regardless of whether or not theyll be using the internet to prospect, they need a place to let others know who they are and what theyre doing. Most people should be careful of how much personal information they put on the page for safety reasons i.e. dont put driving directions or that you live alone unless you think about the possible ramifications. My life is pretty much an open book, but Im aware of the possible downside of revealing as much as I do. Do teach them to get a second bank account for their business and put a set amount of money in it each month for advertising, leads, tools and deposit their commission checks there until they reach their goals. Reinvestment is key to succeeding. If you need to borrow from this account, pay yourself back with interest. If you want to get crazy, use the same interest that a check cashing/payday advance loan place charges, usually $20 per $100 per payday. Donts Dont try to reinvent the wheel. This is a tough one for most people. I know it was for me. But its in your and their best interest to use the proven things that got you and your upline to where they are. Im not saying to never try new things; but I am saying to use the tools that are proven and test the tools that you find before recommending them to anyone. Just because an ebook tells you to do something, doesnt mean it will work. The internet is a rapidly evolving thing and what worked last year, may not work today and some things will always work. Dont teach anyone to do TV ads, Billboards or similar big ticket things until they are making a lot of money and maybe not even then. Remember that most people will only join you if they believe they can do the same things you do and most people cant afford to start out buying a billboard or a spot on primetime. Dont teach anyone to hound anyone. Its the fastest way to lose friends. Its one thing to mention it from time to time and when someone asks what youre doing to say youre still doing the online business and getting closer to retirement but its another thing to call them every week and say Are you ready to start your home business yet? The later is the reason so many people have caller ID. Not to mention, theres too many ways to find people who are interested. You can generate your own leads via the internet or newspaper ads or buy them from a reputable source. (See Resource Link Below) Dont bother with paid sign-ups. I have yet to find anyone who has consistently made them work or had good things to say about them. Maybe they work for some people, but were looking for duplication. Dont try to build anyones business or tell them you will. This will only create a group of people who expect you to do their work for them. By all means help them, answer questions and be a good sponsor but DONT tell them youll do all the work. The only exception to this is if your payplan has spillover and even then theyll still need to work but as you also work, some of your people will also payoff for your downline. For a better example heres a company that has spillover (See Resource Link Below) Always remember that if no one did any work in a spillover company but the top person he or she would die trying to fill a low level. I know that this article doesnt cover all of the dos and donts but itll get you started and hopefully prevent you from making a time wasting mistake. Resources for this article are located at http://stservices.powerfulintentions.com/library/view/2137 Brian Baldwin is a Professional Networker with Cognigen specializing in Telecommunications, Travel, Internet Services, and more. He currently lives in Reno/Sparks Nevada. To find out what he's up to now, go to http://www.BrianBaldwin.com and read his blog. See Also: Home Equity Loans in Texas Bankruptcy, Is It A Way Out Bankruptcy: What's the Difference Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13? Hurricane Katrina And The Impact On Real Estate Prices |
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